Class Hierarchy

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Index of all Fields and Methods 

Bishop(Chessboard, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class Bishop 
Default constructor 
bishopB. Static variable in class Evaluator 
bishopW. Static variable in class Evaluator 
board. Static variable in class Evaluator 

Castle(Chessboard, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class Castle 
Default constructor 
CheckPiece(boolean, int, int). Method in class Chessboard 
Check to see if the player's piece is at the start coordinate 
CheckTaking(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Chesspiece 
Determines if a piece is taking another piece 
Chessboard(). Constructor for class Chessboard 
Default Constructor 
Chesspiece(). Constructor for class Chesspiece 
Default constructor 
Chesspiece(Chessboard). Constructor for class Chesspiece 
Constructor -- initializes the current game 
Clear(int, int, boolean). Method in class Chessboard 
Determines if a space is clear 

DrawBoard(Graphics, Evaluator). Method in class Chessboard 
Draws The Chessboard 

EvaluateBoard(Evaluator, boolean). Method in class Chessboard 
Evaluates the given board 
Evaluator(). Constructor for class Evaluator 

GetColor(). Method in class Chesspiece 
Gets the color of the piece 
GetName(). Method in class Chesspiece 
Gets the name of the piece 

HaveCastled(). Method in class Chesspiece 
Check and see if king has moved Overridden in 
HaveCastled(). Method in class King 
Check and see if king has moved 
HaveMoved(). Method in class Castle 
Check and see if rook has moved 
HaveMoved(). Method in class Chesspiece 
Check and see if rook has moved Overridden in 
Horse(Chessboard, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class Horse 
Default constructor 

init(). Method in class Evaluator 
Initializes the applet 
IsCastle(int, int, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Chesspiece 
Determines if the move is a valid attempt at castling Overridden in 
IsCastle(int, int, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class King 
Determines if the move is a valid attempt at castling 

King(Chessboard, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class King 
Default constructor 
kingB. Static variable in class Evaluator 
kingW. Static variable in class Evaluator 
knightB. Static variable in class Evaluator 
knightW. Static variable in class Evaluator 

MakeMove(boolean, int, int, int, int, Evaluator). Method in class Chessboard 
Moves the pieces once after move has been validated 
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class Evaluator 
Draws the board and displays messages. 
Moved(). Method in class Castle 
Tells the king he has castled or given up castling rights Overridden in 
Moved(). Method in class Chesspiece 
Tells the king he has castled or given up castling rights Overridden in 
Moved(). Method in class King 
Tells the king he has castled or given up castling rights 
MoveScore(Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Chesspiece 
Scores the possible moves 

paint(Graphics). Method in class Evaluator 
Draws the board and displays messages. 
Pawn(Chessboard, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class Pawn 
Default constructor 
pawnB. Static variable in class Evaluator 
pawnW. Static variable in class Evaluator 

Queen(Chessboard, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class Queen 
Default constructor 
queenB. Static variable in class Evaluator 
queenW. Static variable in class Evaluator 

rookB. Static variable in class Evaluator 
rookW. Static variable in class Evaluator 

SetCheckMessage(boolean). Method in class Evaluator 
SetEvalMsg(int). Method in class Evaluator 
SetIdentity(boolean, char, int, int). Method in class Chesspiece 
Sets the name and color of the piece 
SetMaterialMsg(int, int). Method in class Evaluator 
SetMoveMessage(boolean). Method in class Evaluator 
SetNotFirst(). Method in class Chesspiece 
Sets the FirstMove flag for pawn to false after it makes its first move Overridden in Pawn.jave 
SetNotFirst(). Method in class Pawn 
Sets the FirstMove flag for pawn to false after it makes its first move 
SetPositionMsg(int, int). Method in class Evaluator 

TellMeWhereIAm(int, int). Method in class Castle 
Tells the pieces its new location after moving 
TellMeWhereIAm(int, int). Method in class Chesspiece 
Tells the pieces its new location after moving 
TellMeWhereIAm(int, int). Method in class King 
Tells the pieces its new location after moving 

ValidateInput(int, int). Method in class Chessboard 
ValidateMove(boolean, int, int, int, int). Method in class Chessboard 
Determine if the move is valid 
ValidMove(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Bishop 
Validates a given position 
ValidMove(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Castle 
Validates a given position 
ValidMove(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Chesspiece 
Validates a given position Must be overridden in each piece 
ValidMove(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Horse 
Validates a given position 
ValidMove(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class King 
Validates a given position 
ValidMove(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Pawn 
Validates a given position 
ValidMove(int, int, boolean, Chesspiece[][]). Method in class Queen 
Validates a given position